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Settings Functions


These functions read and write information about the pipelines configured in your account. It corresponds to the Pipeline Settings page in the app.

If you want to read or edit individual items attached to contacts, use the functions for pipeline items.

Create a pipeline

This function will create a new pipeline on your account.

How to call this function
Function name
Name Text Required

The name of the pipeline. This is displayed with the pipeline on your account.

Icon Text Required

The image associated with the pipeline. This is displayed with the pipeline on your account. View possible values for this parameter here.

Permissions Enum Default: Public
Valid options: Public, TeamSharing

Determines whether the pipeline will be shared with all users (Public) or only certain teams of users (TeamSharing). If Permissions is set to TeamSharing, TeamIds must be defined.

TeamIds Array of Uids Default: []

If Permissions are set to TeamSharing, this is the array of Team Ids that the pipeline should be shared with. Otherwise, this field should retain its default value.

"PipelineId": "4019591475217474952525145456462"

Edit a pipeline

This function will edit an existing pipeline on your account.

How to call this function
Function name
PipelineId Uid Required

The id of the pipeline to edit.

Name Text

The name of the pipeline. This is displayed with the pipeline on your account.

Icon Text

The image associated with the pipeline. This is displayed with the pipeline on your account. View possible values for this parameter here.

Permissions Enum
Valid options: Public, TeamSharing

Determines whether the pipeline will be shared with all users (Public) or only certain teams of users (TeamSharing). If Permissions is set to TeamSharing, TeamIds must be defined.

TeamIds Array of Uids

If Permissions are set to TeamSharing, this is the array of Team Ids that the pipeline should be shared with. Otherwise, this field should retain its default value.

This function doesn't return anything. If there's no error message returned, that means the call was completed successfully.

Delete a pipeline

This function will delete a single pipeline on your account.

How to call this function
Function name
PipelineId Uid Required

The Id of the pipeline to be deleted

This function doesn't return anything. If there's no error message returned, that means the call was completed successfully.

Get a pipeline

This function will return the information about a single pipeline. Note: Pipeline info only includes how the pipelines are set up. This doesn't include the actual records in the pipeline. For example, this might tell you that there is a "Lead" pipeline, but it won't give you a list of all of the leads.

How to call this function
Function name
PipelineId Uid Required

The Id of the pipeline to get

"PipelineId": "4019591475219780795534359009274",
"Name": "",
"Image": "",
"DateCreated": "2025-03-28T20:45:23-07:00",
"DateArchived": "2025-03-28T20:45:23-07:00",
"Statuses": [
"StatusId": "4019591475219780795534358635631",
"Name": "",
"IsActive": false
"Permissions": "",
"SharingTeamIds": [

List pipelines

This function will return all of the pipelines for the account. Note: Pipeline info only includes how the pipelines are set up. This doesn't include the actual records in the pipeline. For example, this might tell you that there is a "Lead" pipeline, but it won't give you a list of all of the leads.

How to call this function
Function name
IncludeArchivedPipelines Bool Default: false

Whether or not to include information on pipelines that have been deleted

IncludeCustomFields Bool Default: false

Whether to fetch all of the custom fields associated with each pipeline

IncludeHiddenPipelines Bool Default: false

Whether to fetch pipelines that the user does not have permission to see. For admins only

"PipelineId": "4019591475224392481552785748784",
"Name": "",
"Image": "",
"Color": "",
"DateCreated": "2025-03-28T20:45:23-07:00",
"DateArchived": "2025-03-28T20:45:23-07:00",
"Statuses": [
"StatusId": "4019591475224392481552786337410",
"Name": "",
"IsActive": false,
"Color": ""
"Fields": [
"CustomFieldId": "4019591475224392481552785273959",
"Name": "",
"RecordType": "",
"IsDefaultField": false,
"DateArchived": "2025-03-28T20:45:23-07:00",
"Type": "",
"IsRequired": false,
"IsMultiField": false,
"CompanyAutoComplete": false,
"SectionId": "4019591475224392481552786500574",
"SectionDisplaySettings": [
"Icon": "",
"Color": "",
"IsCollapsedByDefault": false
"SortOrder": 10,
"FormColumn": 10,
"Options": [
"Option": "",
"OptionId": "4019591475224392481552785652846",
"Color": ""
"UsesInternationalFormat": false,
"IsTitle": false,
"ShowOnActiveBadge": false,
"ShowOnClosedBadge": false,
"ShowOnReport": false,
"PipelineId": "4019591475224392481552785604872",
"ShowOnCalendar": false,
"DateDisplaySettings": [
"Display": "",
"Icon": "",
"Label": ""
"AnnualDate": false,
"IsSingleLink": false,
"CurrencyDisplaySettings": [
"CurrencyType": "",
"CurrencySymbol": "",
"NumberOfDecimalPlaces": 10,
"SymbolPlacement": ""
"MultiFieldType": [
"Value": "",
"TypeId": "4019591475224392481552785282634"
"IsHidden": false,
"Permissions": "",
"SharingTeamIds": [