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Core API Functions

Items attached to contacts

This API allows you to interact with many different record types, but everything centers around contacts. A common use case is to want to get all of the things attached to a contact, so we collected all of those functions in one place to make your life easier.

All of these functions exist elsewhere in the API docs. For example, GetEventsAttachedToContact is also listed under the "Events" documentation.

Get contact relationships

This function returns all of the relationships for a specific contact. Relationships are bi-directional, so this will include relationships where the contact is listed as Contact1 or Contact2.

How to call this function
Function name
ContactId Uid Required

The id of the contact whose relationships you want to get.

MaxNumberOfResults Number Default: 500

How many results should be returned from a single API call? The max value is 10,000. If you need to return more results, call this API function again, but increment the Page parameter.

Page Number Default: 1

If there are more results than MaxNumberOfResults, you can call this function again with an incremented Page value to get the next page of results. For example, if there are 700 results, but you're only requesting 500 at a time, you could call this function with Page=2 to get the remaining 200 results.

"HasMoreResults": false,
"Results": [
"RelationshipId": "4011225395587505136116780886090",
"ContactId1": "4011225395587505136116780346085",
"ContactId2": "4011225395587505136116779313461",
"Note": "John and Jane are married",
"CreatedBy": "123",
"DateCreated": "2025-02-14T19:55:15-08:00",
"DateEdited": "2025-02-14T19:55:15-08:00",
"Contact1MetaData": {
"Name": "John Doe"
"Contact2MetaData": {
"Name": "Jane Doe"
"CreatedByMetaData": {
"FirstName": "Your",
"LastName": "Name"

Get contact events

Returns all events for a contact.

How to call this function
Function name
ContactId Uid Required

The contact to get events for.

MaxNumberOfResults Number Default: 500

How many results should be returned from a single API call? The max value is 10,000. If you need to return more results, call this API function again, but increment the Page parameter.

Page Number Default: 1

If there are more results than MaxNumberOfResults, you can call this function again with an incremented Page value to get the next page of results. For example, if there are 700 results, but you're only requesting 500 at a time, you could call this function with Page=2 to get the remaining 200 results.

"HasMoreResults": false,
"Results": [
"EventId": "4011225395603646037181276843508",
"Name": "",
"StartDate": "2025-02-14T19:55:15-08:00",
"EndDate": "2025-02-14T19:55:15-08:00",
"Location": "",
"Description": "",
"IsAllDay": false,
"IsRecurring": false,
"RecurrenceEventId": "4011225395603646037181276222759",
"RecurrenceRule": "",
"EndRecurrenceDate": "2025-02-14T19:55:15-08:00",
"SeriesNumber": 10,
"DateCreated": "2025-02-14T19:55:15-08:00",
"DateUpdated": "2025-02-14T19:55:15-08:00",
"ContactIds": [
"UserIds": [
"Attendees": [
"IsUser": false,
"AttendeeId": "4011225395605951880190489065991",
"AttendanceStatus": ""
"CalendarId": "4011225395605951880190489464194",
"ContactMetaData": [
"Name": "John Doe",
"AssignedTo": "123456"
"UserMetaData": [
"FirstName": "Your",
"LastName": "Name"
"CalendarMetaData": {
"Name": "Primary calendar"

Get contact tasks

Returns all tasks for a contact.

How to call this function
Function name
ContactId Uid Required

The contact to get tasks for.

MaxNumberOfResults Number Default: 500

How many results should be returned from a single API call? The max value is 10,000. If you need to return more results, call this API function again, but increment the Page parameter.

Page Number Default: 1

If there are more results than MaxNumberOfResults, you can call this function again with an incremented Page value to get the next page of results. For example, if there are 700 results, but you're only requesting 500 at a time, you could call this function with Page=2 to get the remaining 200 results.

"HasMoreResults": false,
"Results": [
"TaskId": "4011225395610563566208916436493",
"Name": "Follow-up with John",
"DueDate": "2025-02-21",
"AssignedTo": "4011225395610563566208916163919",
"Description": "We talked yesterday but they were busy and said to touch base next week.",
"ContactId": "4011225395610563566208917515349",
"IsCompleted": false,
"DateCompleted": "2025-02-14T03:55:15-08:00",
"CalendarId": "4011225395610563566208917623192",
"DateCreated": "2025-02-14T19:55:15-08:00",
"AssignedToMetaData": {
"FirstName": "Your",
"LastName": "Name"
"ContactMetaData": {
"Name": "John Doe",
"AssignedTo": "123456"

Get contact pipeline items

This function retrieves all the pipeline items attached to a given contact.

Note: Because fields can be customized, they're different on every account. This documentation shows fields for an example LACRM account. Please log in to see the fields for your specific account.
Showing fields for the
How to call this function
Function name
ContactId Uid Required

The id of the contact to get pipeline items for.

"PipelineId": "3853178701634960990616937360520",
"PipelineItems": [
"PipelineItemId": "4011225395615175252227344812624",
"PipelineId": "3853178701634960990616937360520",
"StatusId": "4011225395615175252227344835612",
"ContactId": "4011225395615175252227343400529",
"DateCreated": "2025-02-14T19:55:15-08:00",
"CreatedBy": "4011225395617481095236557081051",
"LastUpdate": "2025-02-14T19:55:15-08:00",
"LastUpdatedBy": "4011225395617481095236557948422",
"NumberOfUpdates": 10,
"LastNote": "",
"PipelineMetaData": {
"Name": "Sales Leads"
"StatusMetaData": {
"Name": "Prospect"
"ContactMetaData": {
"Name": "John Doe",
"AssignedTo": "123456"

Get contact notes

Returns all notes for a contact.

How to call this function
Function name
ContactId Uid Required

The contact to get notes for.

MaxNumberOfResults Number Default: 500

How many results should be returned from a single API call? The max value is 10,000. If you need to return more results, call this API function again, but increment the Page parameter.

Page Number Default: 1

If there are more results than MaxNumberOfResults, you can call this function again with an incremented Page value to get the next page of results. For example, if there are 700 results, but you're only requesting 500 at a time, you could call this function with Page=2 to get the remaining 200 results.

"HasMoreResults": false,
"Results": [
"NoteId": "4011225395624398624264199998368",
"ContactId": "4011225395626704467273413091098",
"UserId": "123",
"DateCreated": "2025-02-14T19:55:15-08:00",
"DateDisplayedInHistory": "2025-02-14T19:55:15-08:00",
"Note": "I called and got their voicemail. I'll try again next week.",
"ContactMetaData": {
"Name": "John Doe",
"AssignedTo": "123456"
"UserMetaData": {
"FirstName": "Your",
"LastName": "Name"
"PipelineInfo": {
"PipelineId": "4011225395626704467273412387718",
"PipelineItemId": "4011225395626704467273411846123",
"StatusId": "4011225395626704467273412597902",
"PreviousStatusId": "4011225395626704467273412165468",
"PipelineMetaData": {
"Name": "Sales Leads"
"StatusMetaData": {
"Name": "Prospect"
"IsRichText": false