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Core API Functions

Pipeline Items

These functions are for interacting with the individual pipeline items attached to contacts. If you're wanting to interact with the structure of the pipelines themselves, you'll want to check out the Pipelines functions.

Create a pipeline item

This function creates a pipeline item attached to a contact or company.

Note: Because fields can be customized, they're different on every account. This documentation shows fields for an example LACRM account. Please log in to see the fields for your specific account.
Showing fields for the
How to call this function
Function name
ContactId Uid Required

The id of the contact this pipeline item will be attached to.

PipelineId Uid Required

The id of the pipeline this pipeline item should be added to.

StatusId Uid Required

The id of the status where this pipeline item should be placed.

Note Text

You can optionally add a note to this pipeline item, which will show up in the history for this pipeline item.

"PipelineItemId": "4012710467219771697502819790574"

Edit a pipeline item

This function edits a pipeline item attached to a contact or company.

Note: Because fields can be customized, they're different on every account. This documentation shows fields for an example LACRM account. Please log in to see the fields for your specific account.
Showing fields for the
How to call this function
Function name
PipelineItemId Uid Required

The id of the pipeline item to edit.

StatusId Uid

The id of the status where this pipeline item should be placed.

Note Text

You can optionally add a note to this pipeline item, which will show up in the history for this pipeline item.

This function doesn't return anything. If there's no error message returned, that means the call was completed successfully.

Delete a pipeline item

This function deletes an existing pipeline item.

How to call this function
Function name
PipelineItemId Uid Required

The Id of the pipeline item you want to delete.

This function doesn't return anything. If there's no error message returned, that means the call was completed successfully.

Delete a batch of pipeline items

This function batch deletes existing pipeline items.

How to call this function
Function name
PipelineItemIds Array of Uids Required

Ids of pipeline items to delete, limit 5000.

PipelineId Uid Required

Id of associated pipeline (can only delete items from 1 pipeline at a time.)

"NumberProcessed": 10,
"NumberSkipped": 10

Get a pipeline item

This function retrieves a single pipeline item based on the Id of the pipeline item. If you don't already know the PipelineItemId you can find pipeline items using GetPipelineItems or GetPipelineItemsAttachedToContact.

Note: Because fields can be customized, they're different on every account. This documentation shows fields for an example LACRM account. Please log in to see the fields for your specific account.
Showing fields for the
How to call this function
Function name
PipelineItemId Uid Required

The id of the pipeline item to get.

"PipelineItemId": "4012710467231300912548888024185",
"PipelineId": "3853178701634960990616937360520",
"StatusId": "4012710467231300912548888281278",
"ContactId": "4012710467231300912548888096686",
"DateCreated": "2025-02-22T06:49:22-08:00",
"CreatedBy": "4012710467233606755558102431188",
"LastUpdate": "2025-02-22T06:49:22-08:00",
"LastUpdatedBy": "4012710467233606755558101096882",
"NumberOfUpdates": 10,
"LastNote": "",
"PipelineMetaData": {
"Name": "Sales Leads"
"StatusMetaData": {
"Name": "Prospect"
"ContactMetaData": {
"Name": "John Doe",
"AssignedTo": "123456"

List all pipeline items

This function searches all the pipeline items on your account.

Note: Because fields can be customized, they're different on every account. This documentation shows fields for an example LACRM account. Please log in to see the fields for your specific account.
Showing fields for the
How to call this function
Function name
PipelineId Uid Required

The pipeline item you'd like to return pipeline items for.

UserFilter Array of Uids Default: []

If you'd like to only see pipeline items entered by specific users, pass their UserIds into this field and we'll filter the results to only show those users' pipeline items (based on the contact they are attached to). Passing an empty array will return results for all users whose contacts you have read access to.

StatusFilter Array of Uids Default: []

If you'd like to see pipeline items in a certain set of statuses, you can pass in the StatusId into this field we'll filter the results to only show pipeline items in those statuses. An empty array or NULL value will return all active statuses by default.

SortBy Enum Default: Status
Valid options: Status, DateCreated, LastUpdate

Which field to sort by; by default, will use status.

SortDirection Enum Default: Ascending
Valid options: Ascending, Descending

Direction for sort order.

MaxNumberOfResults Number Default: 500

How many results should be returned from a single API call? The max value is 10,000. If you need to return more results, call this API function again, but increment the Page parameter.

Page Number Default: 1

If there are more results than MaxNumberOfResults, you can call this function again with an incremented Page value to get the next page of results. For example, if there are 700 results, but you're only requesting 500 at a time, you could call this function with Page=2 to get the remaining 200 results.

"HasMoreResults": false,
"Results": [
"PipelineItemId": "4012710467240524284585743421417",
"PipelineId": "3853178701634960990616937360520",
"StatusId": "4012710467242830127594955941434",
"ContactId": "4012710467242830127594956519887",
"DateCreated": "2025-02-22T06:49:22-08:00",
"CreatedBy": "4012710467245135970604170712493",
"LastUpdate": "2025-02-22T06:49:22-08:00",
"LastUpdatedBy": "4012710467245135970604170739154",
"NumberOfUpdates": 10,
"LastNote": "",
"PipelineMetaData": {
"Name": "Sales Leads"
"StatusMetaData": {
"Name": "Prospect"
"ContactMetaData": {
"Name": "John Doe",
"AssignedTo": "123456"

Get contact pipeline items

This function retrieves all the pipeline items attached to a given contact.

Note: Because fields can be customized, they're different on every account. This documentation shows fields for an example LACRM account. Please log in to see the fields for your specific account.
Showing fields for the
How to call this function
Function name
ContactId Uid Required

The id of the contact to get pipeline items for.

"PipelineId": "3853178701634960990616937360520",
"PipelineItems": [
"PipelineItemId": "4012710467249747656622598876992",
"PipelineId": "3853178701634960990616937360520",
"StatusId": "4012710467252053499631810758943",
"ContactId": "4012710467252053499631810986174",
"DateCreated": "2025-02-22T06:49:22-08:00",
"CreatedBy": "4012710467254359342641024778501",
"LastUpdate": "2025-02-22T06:49:22-08:00",
"LastUpdatedBy": "4012710467254359342641025752528",
"NumberOfUpdates": 10,
"LastNote": "",
"PipelineMetaData": {
"Name": "Sales Leads"
"StatusMetaData": {
"Name": "Prospect"
"ContactMetaData": {
"Name": "John Doe",
"AssignedTo": "123456"