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Getting Started


This tutorial will show you how to do a few common CRM operations using PHP code to call the API.

Shared Code

All of the code below will rely on this function to call the API:

function CallLacrmApi(string $Function, array $Parameters=array()) {
    $CurlHandle = curl_init("https://api.lessannoyingcrm.com/v2/");
    $Headers = array(
        "Content-Type: application/json",
        "Authorization: YOUR_API_KEY_HERE"
    $Body = array(
        "Function" => $Function,
        "Parameters" => $Parameters

    curl_setopt($CurlHandle, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, json_encode($Body));
    curl_setopt($CurlHandle, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $Headers);
    curl_setopt($CurlHandle, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);

    $CurlResult = curl_exec($CurlHandle);
    $ReturnValue = false;
    if (curl_errno($CurlHandle)) {
    } else {
        $ResultObject = json_decode($CurlResult, true);
        $HttpCode = curl_getinfo($CurlHandle, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
        if ($HttpCode === 400) {
            error_log("Error $ResultObject[ErrorCode]: $ResultObject[ErrorDescription]");
        } else {
            $ReturnValue = $ResultObject;

    return $ReturnValue;

Adding contacts and companies

Create two contacts in the CRM: a company, and a contact that works at that company.

This is done by creating a contact with a company name that matches an existing company in the CRM. If you create a contact with a company name that is not in the CRM, a new company with that name will also be created.

Note that duplicate company names are not allowed in the CRM and will cause errors.

// First, get the user ID to assign the contacts to.
$UserResults = CallLacrmApi("GetUser");
$UserId = $UserResults["UserId"];

// Second, create a company.
$CompanyName = "Less Annoying CRM";
CallLacrmApi("CreateContact", array(
    "IsCompany" => true,
    "AssignedTo" => $UserId,
    "Company Name" => $CompanyName

// Third, create a contact at the company by matching the Company Name fields.
CallLacrmApi("CreateContact", array(
    "IsCompany" => false,
    "AssignedTo" => $UserId,
    "Name" => "Test Contact",
    "Company Name" => $CompanyName

Creating a simple webform

This code displays a simple form to the user for contact information, as well as a field for a comment. Submitting the form creates a contact in the CRM and adds the comment as a note on that contact.

    echo "
        Please leave your contact info, and someone will get back to you shortly.
        <form action="" method="post">
            <label for="Name">Name</label>
            <input type="text" name="Name" id="Name" required>
            <label for="Email">Email</label>
            <input type="email" name="Email" id="Email" required>
            <label for="Phone">Phone</label>
            <input type="text" name="Phone" id="Phone" required>
            <label for="Comment">Comment</label>
            <input type="text" name="Comment" id="Comment" required>
            <input type="submit" value="Submit">
} else {
    $UserResults = CallLacrmApi("GetUser");
    $UserId = $UserResults["UserId"];
    $ContactResults = CallLacrmApi("CreateContact", array(
        "IsCompany" => false,
        "AssignedTo" => $UserId,
        "Name" => $_POST["Name"],
        "Email" => array(array("Email" => $_POST["Email"], "Type" => "Work")),
        "Phone" => array(array("Phone" => $_POST["Phone"], "Type" => "Work"))
    $ContactId = $ContactResults["ContactId"];
    CallLacrmApi("CreateNote", array("ContactId" => $ContactId, "Note" => $_POST["Comment"]));

    echo "Contact form submitted!";

Checking for duplicate contacts

We can extend the webform example by using GetContacts to check for an existing matching contact before we create the note. This example just checks the email address, but you could also use phone or name.

This code replaces the "else" block from the above example.

$Email = trim($_POST["Email"]);

// Search for a contact with this primary email.
$ApiResponse = CallLacrmApi("GetContacts", array(
    "SearchTerms" => $Email
$Results = $ApiResponse["Results"];
$ContactId = null;
foreach($Results as $Contact) {
    $ContactEmail = $Contact["Email"][0]["Text"];
    if ($Email === $ContactEmail) {
        $ContactId = $Contact["ContactId"];

// Otherwise, go ahead and make a new contact.
if (is_null($ContactId)) {
    $UserResults = CallLacrmApi("GetUser");
    $UserId = $UserResults["UserId"];   
    $ContactResults = CallLacrmApi("CreateContact", array(
        "IsCompany" => false,
        "AssignedTo" => $UserId,
        "Name" => $_POST["Name"],
        "Email" => array(array("Email" => $_POST["Email"], "Type" => "Work")),
        "Phone" => array(array("Phone" => $_POST["Phone"], "Type" => "Work"))
    $ContactId = $ContactResults["ContactId"];

CallLacrmApi("CreateNote", array("ContactId" => $ContactId, "Note" => $_POST["Comment"]));
echo "Contact form submitted!";
Next page: Contacts / Companies